Regular price
$158.00 HKD
$129.00 HKD
Ingredients :
Panax notoginseng, borneol, pangolin, yam, northern bean root
Product Code: 52064387
功能主治 : 活血散瘀、消腫止痛。用於跌打損傷、腫痛等症。(詳見盒內說明書)
用法: 外用,噴於傷患處,一日3-5次。用時搖動罐體數次,保持罐體直立,噴嘴向上,噴於患處。孕婦慎用。過敏體質、患處有潰破忌用。
成份: 三七、冰片、穿山龍、山藥、北豆根
規格: 每盒1瓶,每瓶85克
Functional Indications: Promoting blood circulation, dispersing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain.
Used for bruises, swelling and pain. (See the instructions in the box for details)
Usage: For external use, spray on the affected area, 3-5 times a day.
When using, shake the can several times, keep the can upright, and spray the nozzle upwards on the affected area.
Pregnant women should use with caution. Do not use if you have allergies or if the affected area is ulcerated.
Ingredients: Panax notoginseng, borneol, pangolin, yam, northern bean root
Specifications: 1 bottle per box, 85g per bottle